The secret of the rat Lily was in front again by a thread. A thread among the many that made up the network, which was illuminated with white light in the storm. As if the storm to choose which wire Lily were approaching. And it was easy for Lily reach the story that lay under the sky of asphalt, made of words that were dry as if they were clothes hanging in the wind, then put away in a drawer. Forever. It was a story about humanity's only marginally, spoke of more autonomous intelligent animals, born without a po'assurdamente the work of Nature. But now, unexpectedly for some, they had managed to escape liability of destiny.
So, Lily found herself in front of the lair of the Rat.
in the green space and open the English countryside, there is a small irregular arc on the outer wall, old and chalky, of an abandoned house. It is the entrance to the lair of the Rat. Is impossible to spy on us inside. Is granted only to his friends arrive at their doorstep. Even the ants are not entered freely, and if forced to pass in front should always take the long way, climbing over the wall and along the arc from the outside. Why
Mouse Mouse is a loner and admits only the visit of two friends. A spider named Spider Spider is a small beetle, called Beatle Beatle, are the only creatures that the Mouse does not show the sharp teeth when they occur on entry to its lair. They are the two friends Mouse Mouse, because they both know how to keep secrets. Mouse and Rat has one, just one, but that is all his loneliness. And if I can maybe try to tell it, not because one of his friends betrayed him, but because I was the jailer of the Rat.
Until just over a year ago, Mouse Mouse, designed for cloning of another like her, lived in a laboratory for genetic testing. Then, one evening, he managed to escape.
That night he had awakened from sleep before the others that had been artificially imposed by the administration of sedatives. Myself I had pulled out of the cage, but had escaped me, surprised me with an alertness unpredictable. He had been rimpiattato somewhere for two hours, but when I opened the door to exit the lab I went between his feet, earning the escape outside the building. I chased up the house I saw him disappear through the wall just below quell'archetto irregular and clandestine embrace instantly. Every time I go back to the house for him the post, but since then I have not seen leaving. Only a few times, I saw his silhouette appears on entry to the den, in the shadows, where the white of his hair becomes gray. And the rat reaches the threshold only when they come to visit her two friends.
Beatle Beatle, the cockroach, slipped in a puddle in the churchyard of the Christian church of my town, in his first outing with his mother and several brothers. The mother, unwilling to attend worship environments, this baptism took as an ominous sign of fate, as if the child other than her, and from then on, that had not been able to give her problems and removed him from the family that same day, children not missing much. Beatle Beatle now lives alone in the deserted house, with the only constant company of Spider Spider.
Spider Spider is sixteen feet, and is likely to be born in the laboratory, or it's just a joke della natura.
Ma qual è il segreto di Topo Mouse? Posso fare soltanto un’ipotesi. Da quanto ho potuto osservare in laboratorio, posso dire che Topo Mouse abbia una sorta di comportamento mutante notturno. Topo Mouse è molto intelligente, posso affermare con certezza che muti volontariamente. E riesce a farlo straordinariamente. Una mattina, in cui ero arrivato molto presto in laboratorio, l’ho trovato che sulla schiena aveva ancora i resti degli aculei bianchi di un’istrice. Così, mi sono trattenuto in laboratorio per diverse notti, ma purtroppo Topo Mouse si è guardato bene dal mutare in mia presenza. Mentre un giorno, dopo la sua fuga, l’ho visto accogliere il Ragno nella veste di un aracnide bianco del tutto simile to him, given the number of legs that I could count. A spider with sixteen legs, as white as the fur of Mouse Mouse.
Now for only one night a week, appears from nowhere, not far from the house, a circus. A circus that has enormous tents for cobwebs. The owner of the circus is a little man from the shaggy white hair and mustache, with two small ears and a face to tip a little 'rat-.
Inside the circus we are witnessing the spectacle of an animal at a time, without the work of a trainer. The animals are all wonderful and legendary albino. There is the white fly. The white lion. The white elephant. And even a white whale that appears only for a minute, tearing the canvas the tent at the end of the show. People began to rush numerous, leaving home and stopping instantly as soon as any activity starts to spread the voice of the appearance of the Circus. The show is so charming that no one wants to leave and after the number of the white whale, there is always someone who begins to whistle calling for the replication of the representation. But then, after the first whistle in the middle of the track appears the owner of the circus grinds his teeth long and sharp, showing them to the public. Even this is enough to send home all those people, but in the end, though, and always, because escaping the circus is invaded dall'orrido countless swarm of cockroaches they do not stop running everywhere and remains as long as even one person. Then even the cockroaches disappear suddenly, along with the circus, nell'afflosciarsi of the canvas, as if everything was sucked out of the ground of the English countryside.
And I do not know in what form Mouse Mouse reached his hole again, because at that time the shadow of the night is so thick that the bow out of sight, it being an imaginary hole in the wall of the old abandoned house.
When Lily came down on the grass, had the impression that the spiders were smiling.