Monday, January 31, 2011

Region Free Dvd Recorders, Canada

But do the numbers really exist? Or is it just our own invention?

A large human figure materializes in the room. He is a man wearing a chiton and a pileus coprigli to the head. Around him, suspended in air, some geometric figures: a tetrahedron a staff and a triangle. The man begins to declaim with a booming voice: From the depths of Hades

angrily crossed mighty

wandering the streets and these parts often

found tarry

D: (recovered from the trauma can timidly uttering a word) that beautiful verse! Excuse me, but who are you?
P: Pythagoras of Samos. Very pleased!
D: (with dreamy eyes) Pythagoras!? The great philosopher ... The great mathematician .. What's theorem!? What the school of Crotone!? What I do not eat the beans!?
P: (interrupting sharply) Please! Do not even mention abominable legume.
D: (puzzled) I'm sorry. But this prohibition interests me. I would explain the reason for this idiosyncrasy? Many scholars have proposed several hypotheses. I guess that the connection to the world of the dead, and the decomposition of impurity.
P: (mandatory) But as dead, but as decomposition: Never heard of favism!? And besides that ... Oh well, never mind.
However, they are not returned dall'Ade to discuss that with her nasty legume.
D: No, never mind, sorry again. So what is the reason for his return among the living? By the way, I guess this is the number of Hades. Since your mystical number attributed to a quasi-divine ....
P: (categorical) No! It was Ade's all!
The reason is that I have heard of this new development " cognitive science of mathematics."
D: (forward to showing off) Ah, yes I heard about it. I find this an interesting approach ....
P: (interrupting) Look! I managed to endure Hilbert and his bizarre formalism. The mathematics is reduced to a play, according to Herr Professor Hilbert! A play where they become the string of symbols following the rules. Yes! Sudoku! But do me the pleasure Herr Professor!
D: Ah, she is delighted with sudoku? I did not think that the play was even known in Hades ...
P: (interrupting again) I was able to withstand Frege and Russell with their ambitious and flawed logicism. The number can be reduced to logic, Frege says! And Sir Bertrand Russell is ready to develop the "bright idea"! Luckily it was then that the development to highlight the absurdity. And Sir Bertrand Russell thought it well to devote more fruitfully pacifism.
D: Well yes, but the contribution of Russell goes anyway ...
P: I endured Brouwer and His intuzionismo . Although, just between us, was perhaps the best of the interpretations that I mentioned. Also because Brouwer liked the statement of Kronecker: "The natural numbers come from God, everything else is the work of man . And it is unnecessary to point out that this aphorism also like very much to me.
D: Mah, however, intuition is not then I've had this great number of followers ...
P: not continue to interrupt me! As I said, barely in all three cases I was able to suppress the urge to return to the world to combat the emergence of these "schools". But when I got word of this new "science Cognitive mathematics "and especially the work of George Lakoff and Rafael E. Núñez , Where Mathematics Comes From -" Where does the math! "You see!? Where does the math! - Well, at that point I no longer resisted.
D: Excuse me, but the book is 2000. Why is it that served more than ten years to decide to return?
P: Look, but she is a bit 'cheeky! we Mica Internet Hades! There we had, but then came the decree Pisistratu that obliges us to provide a document to be able to connect. Document that Charon refuses to release.
And also my younger rival Plato has spent a lot to dissuade me from returning to the world. "But never mind," he said, "but let's'. So those are just shadows. Not worth it."
"And no!" I say! You can not write such a book and expect to get away with it!
D: .... but perhaps it might make sense to ask where it comes from mathematics.
P: But which way?! It is obvious that the numbers are divine creations. In fact I'll tell you more. The number itself is a deity. And the whole universe is a consequence. Tut is Nu-to-me-ro!
argue, as Lakoff and Núñez, who Numbers and mathematics are all a product of the human cognitive is a real nonsense! " the number would be a creation of our mind generated by the experience of counting objects ," say these "cognitive". Generated by the so-called subitizzazione . But what an ugly word! And consequently the number not have a real existence outside the human brain .
D: (urgent) Yes, they also say math works for describing the universe as the universe itself would guide the evolution of the brain to form a effective investigative tool ...
P: Well, then I challenge you to show me that these cognitive the number does not exist outside the human brain !
D: (brooding) Uhm, knows that his challenge reminds me a little 'the metaphor of Russell's Teapot ?
P: How dare ...
D: (interrupting) And then, everything is about the number . This was the motto of the Pythagoreans, if not mistaken.
P: Sure!
Q: And number the Pythagoreans meant whole numbers, no?
P: Whole and relationships between whole, to be precise.
Q: I understand . But I do not remember a thing. How is it that the question of risolveste then root of 2?
P: (with a grimace of pain) Aahh!
Q: What happens ?
P: What frost is this so?!

A chasm suddenly opens in the floor of the room. Flames come out of different parts. There is a growing fire, appear Tisiphone, fins and Crone, the three furies. Pythagoras seize and sink with him to Hades.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Body Vision Weight Bench Manual

Relativity ghediniana

According to Einstein's special theory of relativity two events X and Y, which appear to an observer to happen at the same time might seem to happen at different times for an observer B, and even in reverse order for an observer C.
But then, the temporal order in which two events occur can be different for different observers?
We hope that no one discloses Ghedini!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Keratolysis Exfoliativa

Tromsø, the capital pole and palm trees (Norway 22)

June 9, 2009

us to re-embark on the 12 Vesterålen after the brief visit to Finnsnes.

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Around 15 disembark in Tromsø : I would call the capital of Norway Polar. For many it is considered the capital of Lapland .
Tromsø has some unique firsts: Catholic Diocese owns the brewery and botanical park north of the world. The tour of Tromsø

proposal Vesterålen seemed interesting. The reservation. Our guide is a young Canadian of 20 years. Close to us in coach is sitting a couple of Italians between 65 and 70. It is quite unusual to find Italians of this age group on Hurtigruten . All other meetings in the various ports or came from Costa or MSC cruises. Our couple is also distinguished also nell'abigliamento, simple and practical, and good knowledge of English.

The guide begins to introduce the environment shows a weed. He says he was imported by some British botanical garden. By the time you are getting acclimated and multiplied to infest the region of Tromsø. Reborn and bloom all summer and is now associated with the city to the point of becoming the symbol and to be commonly known Palma Tromsø. It seems that this plant has an impressive growth rate. Specimens will see 50-60 cm high, but the guide tells us that in July reached 2-3 meters.
Researching a bit 'on the net I find that the scientific name of Palma Tromsø is Heracleum persicum, and as you might guess from its name, comes from Persia. Of course that adaptation to climate in Norway polar should not have been easy.

Tromsø has about 60,000 inhabitants and its port has always played an important role for the polar routes. Both Umberto Nobile that Roald Amundsen from there.
Our guide shows a statue of Roald Amundsen donated by an organization in Milan to commemorate the death of Amundsen in an attempt to save Noble.
Our young Canadian also makes us see a little beach where every Friday afternoon meet members of the Polar Bear Club, of which he belongs, to jump into the sea: even in winter when the water temperature may also fall slightly below freezing.

The last visit the Arctic Cathedral (Ishavskatedralen) that owns the window with the largest area in Europe (and I imagine in the world) (140 sq.m.). It seems that it was added after the construction, against the advice of the architect, so that the faithful should wear sunglasses during religious services.
Some say that the architect was inspired by the structure of a fiskehjell . And the assumption seems to me very credible.

Before we re-embark on a trip to the northernmost brewery in the world.
At 18:30 we re-embark. I found this fascinating city. I leave with the idea of \u200b\u200ba winter return to Tromsø in the future. With the hope of maybe seeing an aurora borealis.

days earlier ....

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Putting New Floor In Boat

Chiara Volpato: Italy as a gigantic social experiment

From The NYT and the debate on Berlusconi "Why do the Italians still forgive?"

's opinion Chiara Volpato is that Italy is "a giant social experiment, a laboratory for a political regime based on the control of mass media, the use of which, and whose power is likely to make a model for other democracies. What is happening in Italy - Volpe concludes - tomorrow it could happen anywhere else. "

The I said!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Acne Aid Soap From England

The cobblestones of memory

Dedicated to Michel ', Mally, Ruth, Martin, and Klaus Berthel, which once lived in a house of Bergstraße beginning of the path of my walk.
is only a few weeks ago that I realized that along the course of my walks and my trips there are six of cobblestones memory.

I thought I'd talk about it today as the day is memory.
I do not like much rhetoric. Especially in these cases. And I agree with the idea that too much rhetoric could turn this day into a boring, sterile and useless celebration. So I hope not to contribute, albeit in an extremely modest increase this rhetoric.

A couple of weeks ago I finished reading The Drowned and the Saved de , the latest book by Primo Levi , which is a sort of essay completion of his narrative began with If this is a man and The truce continued with .
Here, I think this trilogy should become part of the cultural heritage of all mankind.

The cobblestones of memory, also known as "stumbling block" (or Stolpersteine \u200b\u200bin German), were designed by the artist Gunter Demnig Berlin. Some of you happen to see around?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Episode Southpark En Frqncqis

(h) Ar (d) core

seems that the files of the defense say that yes there were feasts during the two environments, but one was used for dinner and then we moved in the environment that houses the projection room for films of 'arthouse and the library to read books with desks taking notes.
From rumor seems that among the most viewed films there was the unfinished "The lawn with petrol, whose projection in the original language was followed by debate e singolar tenzone in cui le ragazze proponevano ed interpretavano, recitando in russo, i possibili finali mancati da Эйзенштейн (Ėjzenštejn per i non-cirillografi).

Tra i volumi della biblioteca invece sembra che il preferito fosse un antico libro proveniente da Alessandria che le ragazze declamavano in greco antico confrontandosi poi con citazioni a memoria tradotte a braccio nel dialetto della magna Grecia.
Il prezioso manoscritto ancora inedito sarebbe stato scovato da Dell'Utri, noto bibliofilo e cacciatore di inediti. Si tratterebbe dei diari di un personaggio mitologico finora sconosciuto noto come Priapo il Viagro, sovrano di (Χ)αρ(δ)κωρε. Direct descendant of the son of Priapus Dionysus and Aphrodite. But unlike the parent needed a potion prepared by the sorceress Circe to boast the genetic characteristics of the race priapista. Name derives from the nickname of the potion of Priapus II.

Monday, January 24, 2011

My 18 Month Old Rolls Her Eyes Back

Science Express, a new publishing house Open Question scientific

I wanted to signal a new scientific publisher, Science Express, which is the brainchild of Daniel Gouthier and Luciano Celi .

This is the Manifesto of Science Express . I quote some excerpts. distanza dei cittadini dalla lettura e dalle scienze è grande. Scienza express si propone di contribuire a ridurla.

I cittadini-che-non-leggono-ancora sono la nostra vera sfida, sono le vittime di una crisi culturale della quale vediamo i segni in troppi luoghi.

Molte persone intorno a noi non hanno mai comprato libri, li vedono alti, inaccessibili, intellettuali, astrusi, a volte ostili: in una parola li vedono distanti. E poi i libri costano troppo.
Vogliamo portare i libri a un clic e a pochi euro dai cittadini-che-non-leggono-ancora, anche perché tra di loro molti si fidano della scienza e hanno grandi aspettative sul suo ruolo per lo sviluppo.

For the year 2011 are provided for eleven outputs that you can buy in bulk for 95 € by joining as "Friends of Science Express .

Cito information on how to join:

Until the end of 2011, the Friends of Science Express, we pay 95 euro. This figure is not a gift or a donation grant. It is a statement of confidence in our work. With this money you buy eleven innovations that come out in 2011, that bought one at a time would cost you 142 €.

I joined.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Antique Hutch Bluebrints

Clashes between supporters: bunga bunga against judges

Ci si chiede come mai i sondaggi non abbiano evidenziato grossi spostamenti nelle ultime settimane. Spesso si sente dire che gli scontri rafforzino il consenso verso il presidente del consiglio.
Nella mia piccola e limitata realtà sto osservando several people who live the current debate as a clash between football fans: two groups that fight, you fight, you insult and mock using arguments over the boundaries of rational thought and in the end everyone comes out with a stronger sense of belonging to their supporters closed ranks, complacency is tightening around your sample. And perhaps it is no coincidence that all the bunga bunga public defenders are struggling with all their might to throw it on the tone of confrontation and fighting. May adhere to guidelines? No clashes
many fans may realize maybe a bit 'more of the damage caused to the country over the past 15 years.

White Mucus Before The Start Of Period

a fan

Come giudicheresti l'allenatore di una squadra che interpretasse tutte le proprie sconfitte come un complotto degli arbitri?

(Tanto per rimanere nella metafora delle tifoserie .)

P.S. Adesso me ne vado alla prova pre-concerto del secondo concerto della lunga serie di questa stagione . Quello di ieri sera è andato bene. Spero vada bene pure stasera.