Sunday, December 30, 2007

I Love The Summit Trainer

A Christmas Ghost

blogger friends Happy Holidays! And finally I managed at least to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR * *! And Lily, right on Christmas day (read the diary written by spiders on the wings of butterflies), has discovered a wire made of light of nearby stars, a thread that was there, almost to tickle the nose, in the infinite network that stretches across the sky of the tarmac. When will
Master Frost? ask the children. Shake fists in a comet? Until their dust from the air and earth, does not spread in a childish eyes long last sleep and the shadow is thick with the ghosts of children, no white response will echo from the rooftops.
Dylan Thomas

So, Lily, in his Christmas without lights and no body, he read a story that made her feel less alone and it was as if the ghost had made a Christmas gift.

Heaven era bianco, quasi indistinguibile dal vetro appannato dalla condensa e fuori era così freddo che di chi passava per strada si vedevano solo gli occhi, umidi nel vento, spuntare dal bordo lanoso delle sciarpe. Però, il piccolo Nord decise di uscire alla ricerca di Maestro Gelo. Il Natale era passato senza neve sui tetti e Nord pensava che Maestro Gelo avesse perso la strada. Così, Nord si diresse verso la piazza del paese, dove l'abete era stato addobbato con luci e una stella cometa, attaccata in qualche modo alla sua punta. Nord si ricordava una leggenda, sì forse era una leggenda e non una storia, che raccontava di come una stella cometa avesse indicato la strada a tre Re che volevano raggiungere un bambino per portargli qualche dono che non si aspettava. "I wonder 'asked as he walked north in the direction of the square, fighting the wind to blow against," I wonder if this comet in the country that we can point the way to Master Frost, who is lost. " Arrived under the tree of lights, North looked the comet, which was high-very high up there on its point-and thought that if Master Frost had not seen so far was probably because he was not close enough to heaven, because there were buildings around the square that were much higher. Then she called "Master Frost! Master Frost! See the comet? ", But the wind blew and whistled loud, the lights rattled, creaked and North branches of the fir tree soon Master Frost became convinced that there would never be heard. North, and then, having decided to get too close to the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye under the boughs of the fir tree, clinging to the trunk and using the branches to pull himself higher and higher, closer to the star. It was such a rush to get that not even heard the crack under the feet, just before starting to fall. A fall with the snow, in a white silence. Just before dark last sleep thought he heard the echo of a cold voice in his head, answering him, "Behold, North ... I got there, thanks for letting me find the way ...». There was a flake of snow now on the nose of the North and a bit 'of blood that came out mouth.