Saturday, January 22, 2011

Antique Hutch Bluebrints

Clashes between supporters: bunga bunga against judges

Ci si chiede come mai i sondaggi non abbiano evidenziato grossi spostamenti nelle ultime settimane. Spesso si sente dire che gli scontri rafforzino il consenso verso il presidente del consiglio.
Nella mia piccola e limitata realtà sto osservando several people who live the current debate as a clash between football fans: two groups that fight, you fight, you insult and mock using arguments over the boundaries of rational thought and in the end everyone comes out with a stronger sense of belonging to their supporters closed ranks, complacency is tightening around your sample. And perhaps it is no coincidence that all the bunga bunga public defenders are struggling with all their might to throw it on the tone of confrontation and fighting. May adhere to guidelines? No clashes
many fans may realize maybe a bit 'more of the damage caused to the country over the past 15 years.


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