Monday, February 28, 2011

Does Anyone Know The Name Of This Book?

PAL of March!!

Girls we .... Today, March 1, here is the new theme.
Are you ready?
Well, wait, take advantage of your concentration

to tell you a couple of "modifications" to the rules of PAL ....

Before : this month the photos will be sent by the 5th of next month (eg PAL in March, sending photos by April 5). This is because these days we realized that the work of two months he would go to overlap, and we do not like the idea very much.
Second : in fact it was already stated in the regulation but probably any of you got out and that is before publishing the work done on your blog, we ask you to wait to publish on the blog PAL . We like the idea that each publication has a surprise for all.
Please note that all the explanations concerning the operation of the PAL can be found in the "Rules" placed in the right column.

But let's get to what you all been waiting
forward ...
theme of the month of March: sheep

As for the month of February
free interpretation provided
with the technique of painting country.
Please note the address to which to send jobs
by April 5:

We are sure that the theme of your rating,
so good job to all!!

Optical-migraine: Progressive

Veronica "February"

Mail burst!! Now is the time of Veronica
Veronica writes: hello merle ... here's my pal hearts: "The sweet girl from the heart" I finished just in time ... right now ... or,-P ... fresh fresh paint! as usual I have complied with the instructions, I changed ... colors - I love the tones from beige to dark brown ...- and even up the writing! are naughty ... I know!
not be severe ... remember they are completely self-taught, I brush often gets out of hand ... :-(... And I have little dexterity with the liner.
Best wishes to the three merle and all the participants ... I admired the great work! V Eronico.
OPS ... I forgot ... I painted on canvas, now I do not know whether to create a pillow or frame it ... :-) who will live, will see ... "
You chose the project that I
painted on a design by Terrye,
this makes me very happy!!
And ... W freedom of interpretation!

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Paola Moro "February"

is the heart of Paola
Paola writes: "here we are successful .. .'s still time?
I love hearts and I love that Terry romantic atmosphere.
A kiss to all. S cusate the delay, but health does tricks ... "
Noooo you're not late,
and what a fine job, with Terry
a Wallpaper open door!!

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Rosa "February"

heart is the theme in version Rosa
Rosa writes: "Hello all! This is my Pal of February: un progetto di Deb Malewski fatto a dire la verità già da un mesetto.......
I suoi orsetti mi piacciono molto anche perchè sono semplici e veloci da fare!!  Ora attendo il Pal di Marzo.
Complimenti a tutte! Avete sfornato dei veri capolavori!
Grazie merline !! Questo pal è davvero una bellissima idea e a giudicare dalla numerosa  partecipazione non sono l'unica a pensarla così :-)     Un abbraccio.  Rosa"
Thanks Rosa,
have to say that the bears
are super popular
in this first month of PAL!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Why Is There 12 On Alabama Football Helmet?

La Sabina mi saluta...

... con un piatto di zuppa di fagioli, pane secco, cotiche, gambuccio e salsicce.
Che potrei chiedere di più?

Credo che come colonna sonora questa possa andare bene: Il Ballo di San Vito - Vinicio Capossela

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Does Venison Have Cholesterol

Giselda (Gisi) "February"

And here is the heart of Giselda (Gisi)
Gisi writes: " Hello all, here from Canton Ticino my job for this month. I contenta di partecipare al vostro concorso che mi permette di  conoscere voi tutte amanti dei pennelli.
Ho fatto questo lavoro per la chiave della mia casa in montagna e ho preso l'idea da un progetto di Terrye French, non è da molto che pitturo e l'idea di confrontarsi  con tanti lavori è molto stimolante percio' complimenti per la bella idea.
Un caro saluto a tutte.  Giselda 
Hai fatto proprio bene a decidere
di unirti a noi del PAL e grazie
for your beautiful interpretation of this project

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Tammurriata: manuale geometrico di votata

La lezione stavolta è stata incentrata sulla Tammurriata e in particolare sulla votata. Ne abbiamo viste di cinque tipi.

1. Braccio sinistro dietro la schiena del co-danzante, rotazione sull'asse verticale di coppia, seguita da rotazione sul proprio asse verticale, seguita da passo all'indietro (cancrizzante) con braccia ortogonali al tronco che si muovono alternatamente su e giù.

2. Braccio sinistro sul petto del co-danzante, rotazione sull'asse verticale di coppia, seguita da rotazione sul proprio asse verticale, seguita da rotazione sull'asse verticale di coppia con braccio destro sul petto del co-danzante.

3. Rotazione sul cerchio grande di coppia, saltellamento di avvicinamento con gamba destra sollevata, aggancio with his right knee on the left hip and right arm behind the right shoulder of the co-dancing, followed by high rotation on the horizontal bottom.

4. Rotate the large circle of torque, hopping approach with right leg raised swinging pendulum, the coupling of the calves on the vertical axis of rotation with torque remaining in front of the arms swinging down on the floor of the trunk. Then you go off staying back and turning her head to look at the co-first dancing over his left shoulder and then over his right shoulder.

5. Rotation sul cerchio grande di coppia, saltellamento a gambe larghe e parallele muovendosi sullo stesso  cerchio ma stavolta con il piano del tronco tangente al cerchio stesso invertendo un paio di volte la direzione del moto.

Vi sfido a ricostruire le votate con un vostro/a co-danzante. Io sono avvantaggiato in quanto oltre alle astruse descrizioni ho anche i video dei nostri balli che mi guarderò bene dal condividere. Per darvi un aiutino però posso proporvi il video sottostante dove i ballerini cominciano a ballare dopo un minuto e la prima votata si trova a dopo 1'20".

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Angela "February"

And here the work of Angela
Angela writes: " Hello all, here I am show you my project for the February issue of "Hearts". The desire to summer with the warm and wonderful colors that brings him there, so I thought I'd send you my project specially prepared for spring and summer to come. I dedicate my first project to all of you accomplices pal like me and you love the country painting ... Kisses to tutteeeee - Angela
Ps The project title is Sunflowers. "

The work of Angela" smells "just
of sunny days outdoors;
you agree?
Thank you for taking all of us,
your accomplices of PAL, this your project.

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Come on, come on!!

daiiiiiiiiiiii ...
not be long
the end of this first month
PAL !!!!!

... correteeeee, force strength!!
not to make haste eeehhhh,
but just you wait!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Inspirational Quotes Sympathy

Maria Grazia "February"

And now is the turn of Mariagrazia
Mariagrazia writes: " Hello girls, here's my project for the Pal. After much research I chose a Renee Mullins from the book" Warm'n Wooly Friends ". I made some small changes in the draft the sheep were two and I did not put the pineapple on the house. The heart of the wood had been a while that I had it decorated and actually I like most. I take this opportunity to congratulate all because I can not always comment on the work and I thank you because you have this monthly event is really exciting. saluto.Maria A dear Grace

Mariagrazia How do you see your picture is coming very well
e il tuo lavoro fa proprio bella mostra di se!

Blood Clots After Leep

Silvia (Sissy) "February"

Altro lavoro in arrivo , è quello di Sissy
Silvia ci scrive : "Eccomi qua!!!Questo è un delizioso appendiabiti per una cameretta romantica....Il pattern è di Jamie Mills Price.... un'artista che adoro!!!! E.... a proposito di cuore, dedico a tutte questa massima: Nelle donne ogni cosa è cuore, anche la testa. Jean Paul Richter - Silvia (Sissy)"

Moooooolto romantico il tuo orsetto e 
mooolto romantica l'ambientazione della foto!

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Il rinascimento: Cardano, Tartaglia, del Ferro e le formule contese - Prima parte

Nella puntata Previous we have seen that integrates Stifel in his Arithmetica of 1544 unified the various cases of quadratic equations . Stifel's work is, however, passed only after one year of life.
In 1545 it emerged the 'Ars Magna of Gerolamo Cardano (1501 -1576) which contained the solutions of the equations of both third quarter that able . A stunning and unexpected progress to algebra. Enough to bring some historians to consider the 1545 as the year of commencement of the modern period of mathematics . Cardano, however, not
fu lo scopritore né della soluzione delle equazioni di terzo grado né di quella delle equazioni di quarto grado .

Perché fu lui allora il primo a pubblicarle? E a chi andrebbe invece la vera gloria per la scoperta?

La storia non è delle più edificanti.
È Cardano stesso ad ammettere nel suo libro che l'idea gliel'aveva data Niccolò Tartaglia (1499 – 1557) . Nome che a molti di voi evocherà il celebre Triangolo di Tartaglia . Triangolo che in realtà era già noto qualche secolo prima , ma che in molti paesi tuttora viene denominato ancora più a sproposito Triangolo di Pascal .
Ma tornando alle equazioni, dicevamo che Cardano scrisse che l'idea gliel'aveva data Tartaglia. Quello che invece Cardano dimenticò di scrivere è che Tartaglia gli aveva fatto solennemente promettere di non divulgare il segreto . Quest'ultimo aveva infatti in mente di scrivere un trattato sull'algebra in cui la rivelazione della soluzione delle equazioni di terzo grado sarebbe stata la ciliegina che lo avrebbe coronato come il più grande matematico del tempo.

La vera gloria per la scoperta andrebbe quindi a Tartaglia?
Non proprio. Intanto per evitare che Tartaglia venga considerato la povera vittima innocente bisogna ricordare che anche in 1543 he had published a translation of Archimedes others claiming to own. But
to unravel the need to go back a few years back .
And exactly 1526 years to the death of Scipione del Ferro (1465-1526). It was then that the Iron Age, a professor of mathematics at the University of Bologna, revealed on his deathbed to his student, Antonio Maria Fior , the solution of cubic equations of the form x 3 + p x = q . As a side note here one must add that at that time the algebraic notation was a bit 'different that this equation was expressed more or less like this: " find things cube et equal to a number."
do not know how and when the Iron could discover the solution. He had in fact never wanted to disclose nor publish his discovery. But he had not even revealed that he made a discovery. Perhaps because he planned to publish it only when he found a solution to the equation more general x 3 x + m + p 2 x = q ( find cube, census et things equal in number ).
However, the voice of revelation began to circulate in the environment of mathematicians and probably reached the ear of Tartaglia. At that point, Tartaglia was probably stimulated to develop his research on the matter. We do not know what this research occurred independently and were based on the ideas of others. The fact is that in 1530 Tartaglia was in possession of a quadratic formula for another type of cubic equations. This time the equations of the form x 3 x + m 2 = q ( find cube et census equal in number).
Tartaglia speaks with someone, the environment of mathematics is small, and again the voice of the discovery spreads and reaches the ears of Antonio Maria Fior. At that point, Fior, thinking that Tartaglia is an impostor, really wants to challenge him publicly to single combat. This sort of public duels between men of science were popular at the time .

What was?

Each of the other duelists submitted a list of problems to be solved by a certain date. Then, in a time and place fixed, challengers made public possible solutions. The stakes were fame, honor and money. This was one of the reasons why the findings were often jealously guarded.

In our particular case agreements between Fior and Tartaglia require that we provide each opponent thirty issues to be resolved within forty days.
On February 22, 1535 is the date set. The square was packed by a crowd of students, professors, aspiring mathematicians, idle, curious passersby, but also witnesses, judges and notaries. Everyone is waiting for the big challenge. Tartaglia's face, unlike that of Fior, appears serene. However, when the judge gives the word, Tartaglia speaks with difficulty and stumbling over his tongue Sometimes the words. Why? The facial expression was just a mask worn to hide the nervousness?

We'll find out in the second half ...

Previously ...

Index Series

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dorothy Provine Roaring 20s

Gelsomina "Febbraio"

Questo è il PAL di Gelsomina
Gelsomina ci scrive:   "Salve a tutte,  la cosa più difficile di questo PAL has been to find the subject. Nothing satisfied me. Then try and try I decided to paint these little tags on a primitive entity, what better project the legendary Shara?? Of course, given the size I had to readjust its two projects, and Hearts & Flower Basket Chicken Heart, and here's what came out.
What do I do? Boh!! I could use them to decorate some tin pans, you have any ideas? We accept suggestions. However, I find them too cute. To take this opportunity to congratulate all the other participants for their wonderful work! Thanks to the organizers of the PAL for this exciting initiative. A hug. Gelsomina "

How nice to see your
various interpretations on the theme.
Gelsomina Brava and thank you.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Mtallic Taste In Mouth

Frankenstein e la fuga dei cervelli

that morning of January 18, 1803 was cold and foggy. (You know that a winter's morning news for London!). At the crossroads of Newgate Street and Old Bailey had gathered a substantial crowd. George Foster, accused of multiple murder, is about to be hanged in Newgate prison . The congregation seems tuttavia essere molto più numerosa rispetto alle consuete folle che si assembrano per assistere alle esecuzioni pubbliche.

Per quale motivo l'asecuzione di quel 18 gennaio sta attraendo tutta quella gente?

La responsabilità di quell'affollamento è di un italiano. Quello che forse oggi chiameremmo un cervello in fuga? Un cervello in fuga che si serviva dei risultati ottenuti da uno zio celebre. Eh sì, anche allora le parentele con zii celebri venivano a volte usate per procurarsi dei vantaggi. Lo zio celebre era Luigi Galvani ed il nostro nipote nonché cervello in fuga era Giovanni Aldini .

Galvani nel 1790 aveva scoperto che l'elettricità could move the frogs to death. The anatomist was struck by the discovery and continued his experiments. To the point of pushing up the cost of frog legs in the market in Bologna. It seems that towards the end of his career, perhaps not much more polished, also conducted some experiments on the corpses of executed prisoners in Bologna.

was watching his uncle that the young Giovanni Aldini was probably the idea that would make him rich and famous in the lands across the Channel: raise the dead thanks to electricity.
Aldini was able to convince the British government of the validity of his theory. And soon, the pseudo-scientific experiments of Aldis, the corpses of executed prisoners, turned into street theater.

Giovanni Aldini turned around the island collecting British success with his performances in which he moved the dead.
became rich and famous. Famous enough to have probably inspired Mary Shelley famous for his Frankenstein . Belli

the times when the antics inspired Italian literature ..... But it is also possible that the vagaries of today may someday inspire a great artist.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hair Extensions And Head Lice

Carnevale della Matematica #34

Valentinian's edition of the Carnival of Mathematics was published yesterday on February 14, 2011 rangle , Peppe's blog Liberti.
The theme is "Mathematics and Reality". Theme which is very interesting.
I have contributed:

"D Ionis on Blogghetto gives us But the numbers really exist? Or is it just our own invention? where it crosses back to Pythagoras of Samos dall'Ade to fight against the "cognitive science of mathematics" and ill him incoglie (Aahh!). "

Among the interesting articles on the subject I would like to point out:

"Roberto Natalini offering his views on mathematics in the Unity blog " Dueallamenouno ". Ben tre post sono dedicati esplicitamente al tema del Carnevale e sono Matematica e realtà (parte prima) e Matematica e realtà (parte seconda) e Matematica e realtà (parte terza e ultima (?)) ."

  "Maurizio Codogno, il padre fondatore , dice di aver scritto poco. Sarà, intanto dal Post invia e spiega:  Cosa c'è di reale nella matematica? - In generale possiamo accettare senza troppi problemi che le nozioni e i concetti matematici siano veri. Ma questo non significa necessariamente che siano reali. Peccato che neppure i matematici agree as to the reality of mathematics. "

The next edition, that of March 14, 2011, will be hosted by Pi greek framework. Peppe Liberti concludes his The Carnival Blog ChartItalia who built the soundtrack This edition of the Carnival of Mathematics in Mathematics and Reality Compilation .

calendar with the dates of the next editions of the Carnival

Carnival fan page on Facebook

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Se non ora quando? - Francoforte sul Meno

Today we participated in the
mafinestazione " if not now when? "organized dalle donne italiane di Francoforte.
L'appuntamento è alla Antoniuskirche . Dove c'è la distribuzione di volantini, fogli, cartelli, fischietti e striscioni. Ci sono anche i miei che per la prima volta nella loro vita partecipano ad una manifestazione.
Non so chi sia l'autore del cartello di sinistra. Non avevo mai sentito neppure il proverbio milanese citato in esso. Però mi sembrava doveroso documentarlo.
Zucchero, tanto per rimanere nella sua area professionale, si occupa dei dati statistici.
C'è addirittura la Polizei a scortarci e a bloccare le strade al nostro passaggio.
La prima tappa è al consolato italiano. Si intonano melodie popolari con simpatici versi coniati al momento.
Quando raggiungiamo l'area più affollata molti francofortesi ci guardano con un misto di simpatia e perplessità. Una signora che ricorda Nico , dotata di cagnolino al guinzaglio, rimane affascinata, si unisce a noi e scatta diverse fotografie.
L'arrivo è al municipio: il Römer . Dove confluisce anche un altro corteo. Lì le organizzatrici spiegano i motivi della manifestazione.
È stata sicuramente la manifestazione di italiani più numerosa che io abbia visto qui. C'era anche la stampa. Nella foto finita su Repubblica a sinistra in primo piano si Nico also saw the double of that takes a picture.

We wanted to participate in this above all to witness our country to be Italian, but different from our current political establishment. Sample messages that some local media have spread quite disturbing: the Italians because they are as forgiving him because he would like, etcetera, etcetera.
We are Italian and we like him. And we would like him!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

How To Make Garrote Wire

Gastronomia, presenze, Artikel

The photo on the left is a clear evidence of the presence of mine at home. Unfortunately the photos are missing pieces suggestions: caciotta buffalo chili pepper, Sabine pecorino and holes that zucchini in the late afternoon will be filled and fried to snack between the evidence pre-concert el ' last concert of my season in the orchestral Stadthalle Heidelberg .

Meanwhile, I finally received a hard copy of the magazine containing my first (and probably last) article in German: "If they are not lilies are still children who are victims of this world" oder: die Opfer dieser Welt ... . The copy is of 2010. I had lost all hope of receiving it.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How Much Is Amethyst Worth

concerts and Italian and Euro €

I have often wondered what is the reason why a portion of the notes damaged circulating in Italy is much greater than that which circulates in Germany. At least according to my observations heuristics.
banks of the two countries follow different guidelines for the scrapping of notes? Or perhaps play a role in customs and cultural issues?
accepted models of interpretation for this remarkable experimental observation.