Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Rosa "March"

It 's the time of Rosa
Rosa writes: "Hello to all! This is my Pal of March with ; sheep. Draft Deb Richey "Everyday cake cover." The center of the plate has been deliberately left blank at the request of the customer . merle Thanks and good Sunday!! R osa "

Thanks Rosa, also a good Sunday you.
Very beautiful your plate ...
Marzo: Pecora

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The power of "obscene" the class president, a response

(To the extent that he ended up taking - your comments in the space there was, even as the freeze-dried orange - I decided to publish as an independent post the answer I tried to give Luisa. Retained therefore its opening brief (at home following an exchange longer, which can be read here in full), to which I follow my thoughts. What in fact differ from what has been written so far, and perhaps even what Louise asked me, or better stated as his confused and idiosyncratic humor, going to approach the "Facebook phenomenon" from a different perspective and alternative. )

message Luisa from the comments page of my blog:

"Guido Oh, I know you can survive without facebook ... but it was not the point. I'm only regret (and a bit 'envious perhaps?) the fact do not understand, do not share the enthusiasm of many of my fellow men for the new medium. Is it because I want to return a child and fully enjoy the illusion that the world is magical and easy, an offshoot of my mind ... But the elegance your mom gave you 31 oil!;) "

@ Luisa Luisa, of course this is not the point , or at least it was not the point of my text, in which I tried to penetrate the strange paradox of new technologies comunicative. Qualcosa come una moneta con due facce, in cui da un lato ( pars costruens ) viene massicciamente rilanciata la pratica della scrittura, e ciò anche tra persone che da anni compilavano a malapena una schedina e ora li vedi al semaforo che rispondono freneticamente a un sms, mentre le macchine in coda gli strombazzano impazienti. Esiste però anche l'altro lato della moneta ( pars destruens ), in cui si inizia a intravedere come questo rigurgito grafologico, in una forma però ibrida con le cadenze e la velocità impressiva del parlato, abbia finito col fare implodere le ragioni stesse per cui la scrittura ha caratterizzato un evo storico; la cosiddetta " grafosfera " di cui parlava il filosofo francese Regis Debray. E cioè la possibilità, attraverso segni stabili ed estrinseci e duraturi, di dare una forma strutturata e certa alla caotica mobilità del pensiero.

In facebook assistiamo così a un dialogo tra muti e tra sordi - e davvero ti consiglio di andare a sfogliarti i commenti al post di Giulio Mozzi in cui si dibatte animatamente del mio testo (si trovano qui ), quale esempio estremo di ciò che cerco di descrivere. O meglio, direi, assistiamo all'ossimoro di un "monologo dialogato" , dove viene il sospetto che il vero interlocutore sia lo specchio della regina di Biancaneve. Eppure anche dentro facebook, come ho provato invece a insinuare nel mio successivo intervento, communicative dynamics are gradually claiming the structure is hierarchical, with leaders and Capetti who throw the dirt on there, in a magnanimous gesture and off accompanied only by a cute Pio Pio.

Discussion of Facebooker then develops at a later time, following a stimulus from outside, or rather is perceived as external, such as "other", even if in fact comes from the same group of horizontal discourse . "So it's something like a bait minutes, which is the precondition to the revival of a busy roundabout and inconclusive opinions, but only because the conclusion is not part of the objective dialectic of this kind of activity, is alien to the rules of his game Wittgenstein would say. If the image can immediately be sad or unpleasant - this is ultimately the reason why I I I ran away - I find that on closer inspection there are also good reasons to rejoice.

Despite the impressive speed of facebook is probably not amendable, for technical reasons constituting the medium, the fact that there are people like hubs that dribbles between "inside" and "outside" world, and between chicken and between written language and cadences speech, hearing in this role earned by an authority outside of gallons of that fuel and practice of which is the guarantor, all this shows a possible vanishing point to traditional modes of communication, that is asymmetrical and regulations. What that might look like there is anti-democratic impulse of utopian to the horizontality of the views, at least by the ideologues of facebook, but on the contrary, I worked out is a vital function of communication, and therefore would not know otherwise than define civil . I try to explain.

The presence of these popular "hierarchy" within the mobile community language - that facebook is not all equal is a fact so obvious that it is not even the case to linger - serves to contain the momentum of the libertarian opinions in order extrinsic, based precisely on the authority of the charismatic guardians of space communication. And only rarely is an authority on virtual field and won more often derived from what they do and say "outside", it is frequently of characters belonging to the sphere of entertainment (think sports and politics as spectacle, of course), but not often also of intellectuals and writers such as Giulio Mozzi, who come here as spettacolarizzati and made like pop icons. But at the end of a civilization, whatever it is, is this thing here. A hierarchical system where knowledge is regulated according to logic that largely relate to power, even before the personal authority institutions, such as philosophy and modern psychology have been widely documented, with decisive pages such as those produced by Foucault and Lacan, up to the modern analysis Slavoj Žižek .

The power is therefore not only be able to make a , but also a be a can be understood as a kind of generic formal pre-and pre-legal acts in the mechanisms of collective meaning. Instead of power, if we prefer, we can also use expressions like code or big Other, also coming from the winding Lacanian alphabet, ranging legislation, however, to establish a presence hidden, a sort of "law obscene" in the life of the community. Already that is its exclusion from evidence public to ensure the efficiency of this implicit code, which allows the same possibilities of association (something like a rule of etiquette or games) and the mean. Or that in other, more simple words: a fully democratic and horizontal communication, which the utopia of facebook would indeed exist flaunting as accomplished, it would also be a statement that ends up denying itself, reaching the zero degree of aphasia.

For me also leave a bit 'confused the behavior of certain class president, and on facebook there throwing the stone and hide your hand immediately, leaving quindi sfogare i propri accoliti in discussioni senza costrutto, regola, disciplina e spesso anche nessun oggetto reale, non posso dunque che considerarlo come una sorta di male necessario , verso ciò che un tempo la teologia chiamava bene superiore . Una dinamica ancora una volta visibile nella circostanza che mi riguarda, quando io sono intervenuto tra i commenti del post di Giulio Mozzi dove si dibatteva del mio testo, per chiarire come immaginavo utile le mie intenzioni. Bene, nessuno ha badato alla mia riposta, o meglio solo una persona si è filata le mie parole, buttandomi lì uno stiracchiato pollicione. Tutti gli altri, essendosi già sfogati sulla superficie dello specchio, erano già protesi verso un nuovo bone or strip the flesh off the generous hand of their referent, which would soon come up in the new birdseed rush.

A story that I find technically exemplary, as if to say, the reality principle (the author, the text, his intentions: ie I) becomes totally irrelevant to narcissistic omnipotence of 'interpreter ( The Facebooker who use my words so sometimes clever, but tension between them and me: in short, if everyone plays it and he sings) and the authority of the vehicle (Giulio Mozzi, who form laconic claims not to share what I write but still inviting to read, and then retires with autorevole diniego), mentre velocità e novità dello stimolo coincidono con l'importanza progressiva che viene socialmente ad occupare. E però sia l'onnipotenza interpretativa sia la libertà di parola sono solo apparenti, già che è sempre un burattinaio a insinuare l'oggetto (lo stimolo) del dibattere nell'arena delle opinioni. E' insomma ancora una volta il veicolo l'elemento davvero decisivo, il gesto esterno che si configura come principio d'ordine, lex implicita della narrazione.

Ma l'elemento forse davvero significativo, è che l'obiettiva novità di questi fenomeni si sta manifestando in un'epoca in cui le agenzie tradizionali su cui si fondavano l'autorità - lo Stato, la Chiesa, la cultura high and academic - are losing credit and recognition. My thesis, then, is that just on facebook, or otherwise and generally on the web, you are consuming the decisive change in deliveries to the internal hierarchical structures of power. With the intellectuals who are taking on the role of the military or severe alluring and charismatic of the spectacular ones - the diva who follows up the stairs shining the spotlight, the fan and the soft feathers of an ostrich to stroke his long neck stretched out - not only and not always for the narcissism of its interpreters, but because that is what is required by the confused masses. And all this just to be able to continue in that thing called simply Leopardi "con-versazione". Ossia protendersi, con altri, nel medesimo verso che sappiamo tutti fin troppo bene qual è, ed è forse perciò che abbiamo la continua esigenza di parlare: per scordarcelo.

Ebbene Luisa, per quanto le retoriche di facebook ti possano sembrare becere o perfino disgustose - come sai anche io le ho vissute con estremo disagio, almeno fin che ci sono stato invischiato - non sono probabilmente altro che il riflesso dell'eterno meccanismo su cui si fondano e declinano le civiltà... (Noi evidentemente apparteniamo a una civiltà morente, vedila così.)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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A gift, or love and iron

In un negozio – una vecchia Hardware

swarming in various forms of metal, bolts, nails, bolts,
clamps, screws, small screws, washers, keys
: of 12 or 13 or 7 ...
- in this store,
yesterday, a man with a thin mustache
them wrapped in red leaf torn from a newspaper
haggard (but still sharp
the photo of Alexis II, Patriarch of
Moscow and All Russia -
beard long, a stern and severe).
So, then home, I opened that little
gift for us: two small hearts
iron, two key chains, nonsense - you know those things
"Your heart my heart ..."
things like quotes from a movie
childhood, with tigers and buccaneers
music and finally, when the good guys (always)
are right and it remains to divide
life in his party, which is then
nothing else, that life is left - alive!

(But Alexy II, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia
the caption said, will not allow the Pope
kiss the sacred soil of the Russian homeland.)

(ps - I wrote this poem in 2001 or so)

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Cristina "March"

's work Cristina
Cristina writes: "Hello Milva! And as promised / threatened ... tadaaaa! is the PAL of March. This time ho aggiunto anche una breve descrizione:
"Ciao Amiche di PAL!!!  Ecco il mio progetto di marzo appena terminato.  L'autrice è sempre lei: TERRYE !!!
Ho fatto delle piccole modifiche al suo bellissimo progetto per renderlo più  personale:
Innanzitutto ho dipinto un bel gatto rosso (il mio, che si chiama B),  poi ho tolto la pera troppo ingombrante e ho sostituito il cuore con un salice  piangente.  fact, for me, and B is not a good time ... but we are facing day after day ! Good PAL IN MARCH TO ALL! " A big kiss, Cristina"
Now you, like many of us,
six suffering from acute Terryefrenchite!!
Marzo: Pecora

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Tricolora il tuo balcone

I thought about it March 17. Then today I read this appeal of Freedom and Justice and then I anticipated. I think I'll leave for a while 'there.

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Stefania "March"

's work Stefania
We continue with our flock!
Stephen writes: "And here we are with the Sheep in March and as promised we start with the Tag. The project is of French Terry.
I really enjoyed painting this little drawing.
Until next time, fun at all. hello. Stefania "
this tag!
Marzo: Pecora

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Il rinascimento: Cardano, Tartaglia, del Ferro e le formule contese - Terza parte

In the previous episode we left Tartaglia facing the dilemma of whether to resist despite the oath of card, or give in to reveal the formula.
Cardano in his oath he deftly brought up the Christian faith. Tartaglia did not feel to impose such an affront to Cardano and so reluctantly gave the formula.
Dopo aver decifrato l'enigma in versi, dietro il quale Tartaglia in un ultimo disperato tentativo aveva celato la formula, Cardano cominciò ad impegnarsi in ulteriori ricerche personali.
Il frutto di tali ricerche non tardò ad arrivare. Cardano scopre il celebre casus irriducibilis . Quel caso cioè in cui l'equazione di terzo grado ha tutte e tre le radici reali , ma nonostante ciò, per calcolare tali radici reali è  necessario passare attraverso radici quadrate di numeri negativi . Sappiamo tutti però che un numero reale elevato al quadrato dà sempre come risultato un numero positivo (meno per meno longer, no?). So what were these numbers that they gave as a result raised to a negative number? What sense could have those days when there was much reluctance to accept even negative numbers themselves? imagine the square roots of negative numbers!
But Cardano was very pragmatic. Work? Yes! And then we use them. I am ... a device useful for algebraic calculations.
Numbers " sophistical " named them. With time, however, these numbers are very useful. Although it initially seemed really algebraic artifice "that should not exist." So were first called "imaginary numbers" and then complex numbers. Cardano then, in addition to the solutions of the third degree, is also considered one of the fathers of complex numbers . We shall see later that many other mathematicians contributed to the development of these numbers. One of these was Raffaele Bombelli . But we'll deal with in the next episodes.

addition to the discovery of the casus irriducibilis, Cardano was also the first to produce a rigorous proof of the quadratic formula . Therefore, despite the deceptions, the contribution to the overall development of Cardano's formula is by no means negligible.

In the five years after Cardano continues his work as a doctor at the same time bringing forward the draft of his Ars Magna, which will come out in 1545. With this reputation of Cardano assurgerà quickly to the algebra of Europe's most famous and experienced. Tartaglia
he procures a copy readily and quickly notice that the Ars Magna contains the solution of the equation di terzo grado, per cui viene esplicitamente citato il suo nome, che quella dell'equazione di quarto grado, la cui paternità viene attribuita a Lodovico Ferrari : "creato" e creatura di Cardano. 
La rottura del giuramento fa ovviamente infuriare Tartaglia. Il quale, da come lo riporta Lodovico Ferrari, taccia Cardano di essere " ignorante nelle matematiche, poverello, uomo che tien poco sugo e poco discorso, e altre parole ingiuriose le quali per tedio lascio da parte ".

Tuttavia Cardano, nella citazione dei contributi per la scoperta delle formule, non si era limitato a citare Tartaglia e Ferrari. Egli Scipione del Ferro was also mentioned. It is this quotation to provide clues on the ground that could have led Cardano to break the oath. The fact that he had discovered that Tartaglia could not claim primacy over the paternity of the formulas. Primacy that Tartaglia had to share with Scipione del Ferro. But perhaps pushing Cardano had contributed to breaking the oath the fact that the solution of the fourth degree was obtained from the solution of the third degree. And so the publication of the first could not disregard the publication of the second .

Wanting to take the conclusions, citing Dario Bressanini , we can say that those who still are called formulas of Cardano perhaps should more properly be called formulas Del Ferro-Tartaglia-Cardan : "three authors for equation of degree three .
However you should understand you can not surely deny that these solutions are a pure product of that great intellectual movement, artistic, scientific and cultural heritage which was the Italian Renaissance.
The problem of solution of the cubic equation, which had so unsuccessfully engaged the minds of many of the great Greek mathematicians, Chinese, Indian and Muslim, had been finally resolved. What Del Ferro-Tartaglia-Cardan is probably the biggest contribution to algebra since the Babylonians had figured out how to solve quadratic equations four thousand years before.

At this point one might ask, but once you get to fourth grade, no one would push to find solutions for the fifth and then the sixth, maybe until you come to a generalized formula the degree n? Actually they tried many. But we'll see that from fifth grade onwards, things get a bit 'more tangled. And the final answer will come only after more than two centuries with Ruffini and Abel .

After the Ars Magna Cardano managed to produce another important contribution to mathematics in a book written around 1560: the Liber de Ludo Alea . Book that is likely in the game and ways to cheat. Although not exactly edifying purposes, the Liber de Ludo Alea contains the first systematic treatment of probability. Publication will, however, only posthumously in 1663.

For those wishing to investigate the history of third-degree equation solving formulas point out the wonderful article: Requiem for a formula. Drama in six acts with six characters of Dario Bressanini . From whom I also stole quotes the original texts.

For further discussion, there is also this book: The secret formula. Tartaglia, Cardano and the battle raged mathematical Renaissance Italy.

conclude with the full citation of the conclusions of the article by Bressanini:

What remains after hundreds of years of these events? None. Found in textbooks "formulas of Cardano." Hardly anyone mentions Tartaglia, and Scipione dal Ferro is a perfect stranger. Perhaps it would be good to start calling formulas from the Ferro-Tartaglia-Cardan: three authors for an equation of degree three.

In the next episode will talk about the introduction of other mathematical symbols and Raffaele Bombelli, which as we have said, contributed to the development of complex numbers.

Previously ...

Index Series

Friday, March 11, 2011

Dog Beds For Dobermans

Bea "March"

's interpretation "sheep" of Bea
this post, as above,
been waiting for days
Bea writes: "Hello girls!
I must say that at first the theme of" sheep "she shoka! so I jumped in books, and I found these ornaments of the book by Betty Bowers 2010 "Down Home primitive seasons. I made some coasters, taking his cue from his . I also modified one, the pumpkin is all mine as the 4th person did not convince me.
I open the month, so I do not even compare with the good painters who participate in the PAL, still know that I do it with great desire and I'm excited because I can also admire, you are so good ....
A big hug to all and good Sunday ... Bea
think that you were one of those
who was afraid of not being able
to meet deadlines!!
And what results!
It 'really nice to imagine
browse books and patterns in search of
"your PAL "!!!!

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Nux "March"

Who will be the March 1?? But it is the Nux !!
... are days expect that this post!
Nux writes: "Four Seasons Sheep - Terrye French Pattern" Painting with Friends "
I promise that I will in the next round paint something different
.. I've got to recover from TerryeFrenchite! And for once I can say that I love this disease! =)
Kiss Nux "
I think you will agree with us
in saying that we wish to Nux
of "never heals" from his
particular disease
that we like so much ... sick!!

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extraction February

By midnight on March 10 we filed the Pal of February - the heart theme. The participants were 43 in total, we have assigned a number to each extraction in order of publication of the post and the list is this:
1-Cristina, 2-Monica, 3-Daniela, 4-Tatiana , 5-Franca, 6-Eliana, 7-Bea, 8-Kikyo, 9-Valerie, 10-Fulvia, 11-Oriana, 12-Paola, 13-Nux, 14-Lauren, 15-Ba, 16-Anna, 17-Aba, 18 - Alessia, 19-Milva, 20-Stephanie, 21-Maria Laura, 22-Katie, 23-Sabina, 24-Rosario, 25-Karen, 26-Sonia, 27-Alex, 28-Jasmine, 29-Silvia (Sissy) 30-Mary Grace, 31-Angela, 32-Giselda, 33-Rosa, 34-Paolo Moro, 35-Veronica, 36-Emanuel, 37-Sonia (the BDA), 38-Manuel, 39-Francesca, 40-Anna rascal, 41-Robert, 42-Lucilla, 43-Natasha.

It 'been extracted No. 10 that Fulvia !!!!!!!!
and this is the picture of his work
For the moment, many congratulations to Fulvia
that does not win anything (!!!),
but this result is stored
for future use.

Please note that from March
the term for submission of photos is the 5th of the month following
(in this case April).

Now we can kick off the dancing with the theme "sheep."
Follow that shortly begin the publication of your work
burst !!!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Quotes From Movies Cigarrete

surprise for us!! Natasha

This is a PAL with surprise
in name and in fact,
so it is with pleasure that I announce,
to conclusion of the PAL in February themed heart
a welcome surprise (!!!!!)
that has nothing to do
with our year-end surprise.
Our friend Tommy
relished the idea of \u200b\u200bthis PAL, so he thought
us all a gift
this heart has a plan for
and instructions to make it
can download the free
formats PDF
clicking here:

What say you, liked the surprise ?!?!??
We liked it very much and thank Tommy
of thought that had for all of us.

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What c'azzecca Giulio Mozzi with the moonlight and the Armani eagle and the Odyssey and the Treasure of the Bank of Italy uncertain and the flowering of geraniums?

Another small sign, a symptom better. Regards previous post , where I worked at length the reasons why I just deleted from Facebook. Nevertheless, no personal reasons - or at least not only personal - and go beyond my own biography illuminating some general features of the new communication technologies, in particular those through which the writing has gained new momentum and spread.
Facebook is perhaps the most effective and extreme synthesis of the process of re-grafizzazione, "we could call it that, of the public sphere of the relationships that we maintain. Something like a renewed spread of graphemes exchanged between friends and acquaintances but also occasional companions of writing, a bit 'as in the Peanuts strips is between Charlie Brown and his "pencil pal ", a pen pal who lives in a distant place and with whom there is therefore no possible attendance. You write long letters so only by hand, in which Charlie Brown, in simple and beautiful, knows how to settle all his astonished and enchanted view of the world, certain to be understood and countered by the feeling of intense mirroring that provides reading, even before the writing. But we can say the same thing also about what happens on the social network? No, the communications facebook is not long at all, much less beautiful, even when writing to people who do it are professional and above all they are good. But only when they go from there.
This matter was in any case del mio intervento precedente. Il segno, il nuovo sintomo quotidiano, riguarda invece la smisurata ricezione di quel testo. Alle 10 e 30 del mattino il contatore del mio blog segnava già 353 visite - nei giorni di grazia ne raggiungo a malapena 150, a fine giornata. Andando dunque a scorrere tra i commenti - anche quelli sono inaspettatamente numerosi - mi accorgo che la ragione è da attribuire a un rilancio del mio post proprio all'interno di facebook. Se ho capito bene deve essere stato lo scrittore Giulio Mozzi, a cui io accennavo nel mio intervento, a segnalarlo nella propria bacheca. E sempre da quanto posso solo intuire, anche lì si deve essere aperto qualcosa come un dibattito, di cui purtroppo mi sfuggono i contenuti. Una cosa è comunque certa e curious: the first time that portray my geraniums from the window sill, is also the first time that those geraniums bloom, bloom and the bees carry the pollen away. Or if you want to put a ballast mineral metaphors, to make them fly a bit 'more basic: the stealing my lyrics to the gaze of my friends on facebook, and perhaps precisely because of this act of denial, a bit' as with the gold locked up in the coffers of central banks, has simultaneously raised the perception of value.
other hand, if you offer something, anything not required, the importance of it is diminished. This ephemeral success in terms of players, just when my word is more discreet, less exposed, then it is not even so weird how I felt at first. Especially when seen as the words of the captured text by Giulio Mozzi, in fact, are no longer just my words, but something else as a result of his public imprimatur, although done in an indirect form that recalls the verses of the Song: "Look moon, look at the sea ..." That does not mean, of course, look beautiful moon, which looks nice sea. But simply watching! Yet even a secluded
reporting from the trial part, in spite of the extension of the charismatic person from which the text indicates that perhaps both was not so foolish that the Chinese looked at the finger, when the wise man points to the moon. The cognitive process that is activated by signaling hubs in its bulletin, it is therefore similar to that which they are subjected to a pair of jeans sewn by a thirteen year - Indian picture it this time, so as to buy up all the clichés in circulation - which the septuagenarian Giorgio Armani add a fake stylized eagle, which lifts the price of those pants in the crowded boutiques.
Of course, these considerations might suggest a moment of sadness at the bottom in recent times I have written things even more important intervention on which it is pinned to the index might inquisitorial Giulio Mozzi - The most beautiful and comfortable pants, but no eagle that put the wings -, things that are past, however, in complete indifference to my friends on facebook. But it would be just a little small and slightly disgruntled look, inspired perhaps by a more common place, not quite insane, he would like me to change just "friends." The crux of the matter, or rather the nest of eagles, but is elsewhere, and by definition more in another. But also try to reach it.
Through occasional dynamic I've just tried to describe images, facebook appears as a medium apparently horizontal, but, in hindsight, also suffers from filtri gerarchici impliciti che ne direzionano il traffico anche in un senso che potremmo definire verticale . All'interno delle gerarchie di gusto e valore di facebook, Giulio Mozzi rappresenta uno che conta - un aquilotto davvero, uno che in quanto scrittore deve vederci più lontano -, e il cui pensiero viene stimato come rilevante e autorevole, perlomeno da una minima comunità che a lui e altre personalità pubbliche della cultura si riferisce. Chiamiamola provvisoriamente un' oligarchia dei volatili superiori , che in facebook, come in tutti i gruppi spontanei, si manifesta già dalle prime battute quale effetto della psicologia collettiva. Per tale ragione l'offerta comunicativa che giunge dal suo davanzale ottiene maggiore ascolto e considerazione, uno spiraglio di sole che si guadagna spazio nell'ombra mormorante e sgomitante dei molti.
A questo punto del ragionamento veniamo però fermati da un'obiezione, che ci suggerisce di riconsiderare l'elemento gerarchico su basi unicamente quantitative, e cioè nuovamente orizzontali. In altre parole Giulio Mozzi ha molti "amici" registrati: è questa la ragione della diffusa ricezione dei testi da lui presentati, non c'era bisogno di inseguire spiegazioni occulte e simboliche. Chi al contrario ha solo pochi contatti, quattro gattacci spelacchiati, per forza risulterà penalizzato nei termini numerici di visite e forse di letture (le due cose in effetti non coincidono).
Ma come most simple solutions to complex problems, this objection is also wrong. In the past I was able to nock it into real collectors of virtual relationships, people who have more than a thousand "friends" on facebook. The horizontal nature of this time yes indeed the contacts, is its lack of hooks in any category of historical or personal value, but is not riverticalizzata from mere quantitative element, even when the artillery is deployed through an unconventional use of tags. So when these professionals quantities publish something on their board - and they do all too often - it falls equally irrelevance, even some pollicione alzato qua e la, ok, come elemosina reciproca tra poveri diavoli a corto di riconoscimento.
Il caso del mio testo involato dalla bacheca di Mozzi, diviene allora sintomatico di qualcosa di più profondo ed essenziale. E cioè, a mio avviso, dell'emergere di una sorta di nostalgia verticale per un principio selettivo - o se vogliamo di un' aristocrazia dello spirito , di un sistema culturale - dentro l'utopia democratica e orizzontale di facebook. La gente legge quello che Mozzi gli suggerisce (in questo caso me) perché si fida di lui, semplicemente. Ma, attenzione, la gente non si fida di Mozzi per quel che Mozzi scrive dentro facebook, al contrario per ciò che egli scrive e pubblica out. That facebook is not really a fact writing, as I have endeavored to show in my speech. And as hubs, like all the other writers I mentioned, is an intelligent man, has understood very well and has adapted with flexibility and responsiveness to the medium. That he is used as a shuttle bus from outside to inside and from inside to outside again, in a kind of texture that recalls the gesture of Penelope: on one hand the historical mean knots are repeated through his literary and editorial work, but the other undone in the rapid and effortless prose that exists on Facebook, where alphabet in many ways necessary. Or if we want to return to the Homeric comparison, still once, like Penelope, hubs share the rooms of the new palace with verbal Feaci not for the sake of the Phoenicians, but for the return of Ulysses.
The problem is that anyone who does not have an "outside" as structured than that of Giulio Mozzi, or Ulysses, who has vowed to return to save your ass pale queen, truly risks being overwhelmed by this new language occasional and deformed, most unhappy effect of portmanteau between writing and speaking ("scraparlare" I called). But even in such a babel of signs "scraparlanti" insane average and only impressive, or just sketch a serious reflection immediately overwhelmed by new ideas surface, I realize ora e proprio sulla pelle dei miei testi che nuovi mattoncini di senso vengono sfornati, e piano piano impilati. Non è ancora una grande torre, d'accordo. E probabilmente è meglio così. Tante piccole torrette, piuttosto, come quelle che si scodellano in spiaggia con la sabbia umida e il secchiello. Oppure nuovamente aquilotti che stentano ad alzarsi in volo, sbattendo le ali per prendere confidenza con i venti e le leggi della portanza. Un agitarsi apparentemente scomposto, caotico, che comunque rimanda all'esigenza di un nuovo sistema gerarchico, attraverso cui smaltire la ridondanza dei segni che le nuove tecnologie producono a getto continuo. I quali segni, ci ricordano i semiologi e i filosofi del linguaggio, hanno sempre bisogno di una mediazione esterna che ne conferisca e preservi il valore, di un fuori che si protenda all'interno, ossia di una dimensione "oscena" che proprio grazie a tale estraneità al contesto assuma una funzione ordinatrice e totemica. E' insomma l'assenza di Ulisse che legittima e garantisce l'autorità di Telemaco.
Giulio Mozzi e i suoi colleghi scrittori stanno dunque assumendo questa importante funzione civile: se non ancora o non sempre di sovrani, quella di vigili, di ausiliari del traffico dentro la caotica circolazione di facebook. Certo, quando sono dentro lì anche loro si esprimono in quella neo-lingua in cui parlato e scrittura si fanno sempre più indistinguibili, offrendo di entrambi il loro lato peggiore. Ma comunque anche attraverso this complacency debased to new forms of communication, the writers remind us that there is a out that not all breaks down at that chatter. And beyond that there are robust portal facebook meters and measures of value to which they refer and determine what.
Who cares, then, if our "friends" on Facebook will still need the index of Giulio Mozzi to become aware of the words we write, that there were always beautiful and ready on their windowsill. And who cares even facebook and who will draw the bow of Ulysses and ultimately also the excellent Giulio Mozzi. Hubs, which, with its pointed finger, and probably well beyond his intentions, he reminded us di un mucchio di cose: aquilotti Armani, marine languorose, gerani infiammati, tesori occulti, odissee domestiche, telai che tessono e disfano la trama del loro narrare. Ma soprattutto ci ha ricordato che oltre i confini del pozzo ci sta una luna e oltre la luna, se strizziamo un poco gli occhi, è possibile intravedere anche le stelle più timide e lontane. E allora cosa aspettiamo, per tornarle a rimirare?!

Has Taylor Lautner Ever Had Braces

Corso di cucina per la costruzione dei rapporti all'interno del mio gruppo

Ever heard of a "team building ? But yeah, come on! Maybe you know the language disguised under other clothes.

last few days are very busy with all the tasks necessary for organizing a meeting of two days of my group. I insisted to get the funding for this activity in my opinion very important for a group like mine: 19 people spread across 8 different European countries: a virtual group . We work with hundreds or thousands of miles away. It will be necessary but at least once to meet everyone in the same physical location, no!

Once the coveted I had to turn on funding a series of organizational channels.

Regarding the agenda, in addition to the obvious technical and management wanted to find something more fun. Something that could help improve relations between the members of the group.
I also spoke with Zucchero. And she, between half-jokingly, I said, why not pay me to come and do a cooking class?
The cooking course! It seemed like a good idea. I tossed the proposal during our conference group and I received an immediate enthusiastic response in the comments.
I then activated. I first visited the restaurant Lamm  nel finesettimana e poi la scuola di cucina di Eppelheim  lunedì. I secondi mi sono sembrati più adeguati per l'organizzazione di un evento del genere. Sia dal punto di vista dell'esperienza che da dal punto di vista logistico.

Qui a sinistra la foto del luogo dove dovremmo cucinare e poi degustare i nostri manicaretti.

Qui un particolare della cucina.

Ci divideremo in quattro gruppi: uno per ogni portata. Penso che io mi arruolerò nel gruppo del dolce: il mio punto debole da tutti i punti di vista; ma poi mi alternerò between the groups.
I also considered whether he should enter a small token to make the competition more fun activities. But maybe not a good idea .... at least according to Sugar.
However between now and May we hope will be the time to better organize everything.
We'll see how it goes. If all goes well, maybe next time I go over and try to propose Taranta and Tammuriata as construction activities of the group.

Red Checkered Tablecloth History Of


Time is running out! Here the work of Natasha
Natasha writes: "Hello Merline, there I put all (by the way, I could do better ...) but I could not in the end I had to design in the works, so I had to dust off my old work "Spring Time" by Renee Mullins, we hope that bodes well for a sunny day that you wait a bit 'too much.
Thanks to this new opportunity to work with you gave us, I really like in the new version of "theme" because it gives the possibility to choose the choice of the project while maintaining a common thread!
Thanks girls for the next solemnly promise to do more (... believe it?)
A big kiss to all three, in particular to the "chick" ... without offending others who hope to know soon!
Natasha "
Project and that it is always nice
a good omen for spring

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

6x10 Utility Trailer Plans

Lucilla "February"

's work Lucilla
... and we are now close to the end of February with the theme
Lucilla writes: "Hello girls, the project is the photo of Kitty Patrol Reneé Mullins. A ricia. besos. Lucilla "

A beautiful cat was missing right!

Monica Roccaforte 1980

Bianco candor

watched her daily mutation;
aware of the inexorable final defeat.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Earthquake Amplifier San Francisco

Battibecco tra unità immaginaria e pigreco

the : be rational
π : no, you who must try to be realistic

Can You Tell The Gender By Shape Of The Stomach

ceremonious leave a Facebooker, or why on Facebook, the writer "scraparlano" The

Oggi mi sono cancellato da facebook. Dopo quanto avevo scritto nei giorni scorsi sull'argomento, mi è parsa una scelta perfino obbligata. Oltre che una salutare boccata di ossigeno in un tempo della mia vita saturo di polveri sottili, e ancor più of toxic words. But I would like to add that this time there's really nothing personal, as, say, think, structural .

I try to explain. In recent years, many intellectuals have striven to revise the thesis catastrophic saw the written language now completely supplanted by high-impact visual media such as film and television. The French philosopher Régis Debray had even prophesied the coming of a visual kind of messianism, which he called "videosphere. Meaning an area where text communication, resulting in its mechanical invention of Gutenberg, in turn, featuring a historical evo he calls "grafosfera", sarebbe stata revocata a favore del ritorno a un'esperienza solo apparentemente sensibile delle cose, e cioè appunto attraverso la replicazione visibile delle forme. Insomma, il vecchio gioco combinatori dei Sumeri sembrava ormai messo definitivamente fuori gioco; era solo questione di tempo.

Ma, ecco, con internet e i telefonini e le mail - all'improvviso! - è successo qualcosa: si è ripreso a scrivere, a comunicare attraverso segni grafici. Facebook appare dunque come l'inveramento di tutto ciò, il gabbiano che ritorna alla nave ormai perduta tra le onde dell'impressione visiva, ma invece di un pescetto porta nel becco una penna stilo che ancora gocciola inchiostro... Con tutti gli intellettuali che si affannano screaming: land, land! And in a sense is true, the profile of a cost report is visible, you write, and how you write: facebook every gurgle gut is an opportunity for a text.

The only question before we finally settled the matter at this point becomes: is it really writing this thing here, is the land we were used? India with its old pot-bellied elephants and lazy, the fakirs and snake charmers, who shelled out the wicker basket to the sound of a deafening chant and stand out like exclamation points of a well known phrase, the wonders of the obvious, accompanied the crackle of the reflex in Japan. Or is it not rather that, without realizing it, we which occurred in America, where he should be careful with the poisoned arrows of the Apaches ... Let's see.

Historically, writing has been the mobility of the chaotic transition from oral language to more structured, though. In this passage, much has been won - in precise, logical rigor and solidity of the argument and dramatic - but something has been irretrievably lost, as he had already guessed Socrates and then Plato, who tried to mediate in some way. But now, even then, the route to America was already drawn, you could not return to the Indian dream of Columbus. Plato is, therefore, was Vespucci who tried to introduce in stages to a new world: the written texts, the subsequent literature.

But in transferring the caravels beccheggianti history in the continent of stable graphemes they were leaving, in fact, even the coasts of the old Homeric world, the vitality of a language is its sound and the immediate reaction of the interlocutor , whose interference is the dialectical element at the base of the primitive forms of reasoning. The right question to us is not so if we write more often now in our recent past - and the answer is obviously yes, at least technically - but if you can still call writing experience that we get from the compilation of texts through the new media, or otherwise on the horizon a new continent ...

My idea is that this is not exactly regurgitation graphological writing, but something like a temporary effect in the digestion that modern technologies are making the historical forms of communication, burp the baby before the next feeding. It is not true, then, that all of us have started writing again with more vigor and enthusiasm than we did in previous years, but rather the opposite: we have started applying to write the cadences of speech and impressività, without being in able - for obvious reasons - to trace the rhythm and joyful sound of a language, returning as orchestra without a score and a syntax lifeless.

This is especially evident on their facebook: Just take a "friend" some famous author and then read their confidential communications, posts that issue with generous abundance. I did, believing that writers publish on facebook or text unedited news, scraps of their work otherwise unavailable. E 'enough to seek asylum and in the boundless as the most popular social network log the name of a famous writer, and then say, "Hey baby, want to be my friend?" And the famous writer gives you the precious gift of his "friendship", you do not even offer him in exchange for a toffee or tail flickering of a lizard. So much so that my first impression was this: Children of asylum, we all returned to be kindergartners.

And this time I want them names: Aldo Nove, Giuseppe Genna, Thomas Pincio; Franz Krauspenhaar, Isabella Santacroce, Giulio Mozzi, Loredana Lipperini, Fulvio Abbate, Massimiliano Parente, and more. Asylum. Perhaps the only good Beppe Sebaste, even when he writes on facebook, to really write , persists in giving form and structure, and even etiquette to what he says, with a tenacity that is more reminiscent of elementary school, perhaps even the medium. Beppe Sebaste, in short, still confuses me as records and forms that modernity imposes on our lives. He does not understand, we are surprised and indignant. Route follows a remote Indian and anachronistic. Others publish mostly brief notes looking, seductive or sententious platitudes, without any verbal construct winks. Humor and jokes and give the elbow between buddies. Literally: kindergartners. Children but also a little 'touched, someone ...

But then go reread the books and you realize that kids do not idiots'm not always simply rinscemiscono, senile when you begin to write on facebook. In particular, when they flirt with the fans who flatter them in the comments to their posts. So much so that the silly child, or rather the impression of silliness, I suspect that resulting from unpleasant perception of seeing smeared and fixed in a normal text conversation between a man and a woman. Maybe you would like to bring to bed, why not? As if we observe the ritual of seduction from the porthole of a spaceship that has been lost. Laika the dog is no longer alone but has finally found a mate, even many fellow adventurers. Facebook.

But if we pay attention, we realize that looking from the outside as required but not implicit voyeur, part of the rules of the game, I would even say that the number of new forms of communication, which also raise the subject that acts somehow always at hand. It is noted that in the end, then the item Minutes of the courtship of subterfuge, or just a flaky cause , transferred nell'impassibile rigor mortis of a graphic that creates embarrassment. The reason is likely to be referred to the absence of a merciful veil of textual reflection, and that is a rhetorical strategy, namely a writing in the strict sense, the gesture language so as to lead to formal outcomes of absolute irresponsibility. If

syntactical sloppiness of this sin's most accomplished writers, we can see how others write, that all of us ... We do that when you log into facebook, or by typing a text message, we respond quickly to email a nuisance in fact we are not more writing, searching for the words most appropriate or effective communication strategy in a thoughtful and responsible (ie always in debt because of an answer), but at the most silent and occasional speaking through graphemes. An exercise in which he tried to do contrary to Plato, who tried to take the best from both the spoken word that from the time set in written form, combine the worst of both. Neither Columbus nor Vespucci, but a swamp in which we move off the cuff.

Or if we put a play on words, today I deleted from facebook because, in there and down to the deepest neurons in the brain, people do not write, do not speak but even straparlano: rather "scraparlano. And I, in the folds of facebook, I had begun to "scraparlare" I was becoming a child who confuses the lizard's tail with the summary of a crocodile, India with America above all friendship with voyeurism. That was beginning to combine, as appropriate, as required by the unwritten rules of the medium, writing and speech in the most unfortunate of the portmanteau. So much so that this union with the worst of the worst, is the suspicion that the final figure of our time ...