Friday, March 11, 2011

Difference Between Brazilian Hollywood Wax

extraction February

By midnight on March 10 we filed the Pal of February - the heart theme. The participants were 43 in total, we have assigned a number to each extraction in order of publication of the post and the list is this:
1-Cristina, 2-Monica, 3-Daniela, 4-Tatiana , 5-Franca, 6-Eliana, 7-Bea, 8-Kikyo, 9-Valerie, 10-Fulvia, 11-Oriana, 12-Paola, 13-Nux, 14-Lauren, 15-Ba, 16-Anna, 17-Aba, 18 - Alessia, 19-Milva, 20-Stephanie, 21-Maria Laura, 22-Katie, 23-Sabina, 24-Rosario, 25-Karen, 26-Sonia, 27-Alex, 28-Jasmine, 29-Silvia (Sissy) 30-Mary Grace, 31-Angela, 32-Giselda, 33-Rosa, 34-Paolo Moro, 35-Veronica, 36-Emanuel, 37-Sonia (the BDA), 38-Manuel, 39-Francesca, 40-Anna rascal, 41-Robert, 42-Lucilla, 43-Natasha.

It 'been extracted No. 10 that Fulvia !!!!!!!!
and this is the picture of his work
For the moment, many congratulations to Fulvia
that does not win anything (!!!),
but this result is stored
for future use.

Please note that from March
the term for submission of photos is the 5th of the month following
(in this case April).

Now we can kick off the dancing with the theme "sheep."
Follow that shortly begin the publication of your work
burst !!!!!!


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