ceremonious leave a Facebooker, or why on Facebook, the writer "scraparlano" The
Oggi mi sono cancellato da facebook. Dopo quanto avevo scritto nei giorni scorsi sull'argomento, mi è parsa una scelta perfino obbligata. Oltre che una salutare boccata di ossigeno in un tempo della mia vita saturo di polveri sottili, e ancor più of toxic words. But I would like to add that this time there's really nothing personal, as, say, think, structural .
I try to explain. In recent years, many intellectuals have striven to revise the thesis catastrophic saw the written language now completely supplanted by high-impact visual media such as film and television. The French philosopher Régis Debray had even prophesied the coming of a visual kind of messianism, which he called "videosphere. Meaning an area where text communication, resulting in its mechanical invention of Gutenberg, in turn, featuring a historical evo he calls "grafosfera", sarebbe stata revocata a favore del ritorno a un'esperienza solo apparentemente sensibile delle cose, e cioè appunto attraverso la replicazione visibile delle forme. Insomma, il vecchio gioco combinatori dei Sumeri sembrava ormai messo definitivamente fuori gioco; era solo questione di tempo.
Ma, ecco, con internet e i telefonini e le mail - all'improvviso! - è successo qualcosa: si è ripreso a scrivere, a comunicare attraverso segni grafici. Facebook appare dunque come l'inveramento di tutto ciò, il gabbiano che ritorna alla nave ormai perduta tra le onde dell'impressione visiva, ma invece di un pescetto porta nel becco una penna stilo che ancora gocciola inchiostro... Con tutti gli intellettuali che si affannano screaming: land, land! And in a sense is true, the profile of a cost report is visible, you write, and how you write: facebook every gurgle gut is an opportunity for a text.
The only question before we finally settled the matter at this point becomes: is it really writing this thing here, is the land we were used? India with its old pot-bellied elephants and lazy, the fakirs and snake charmers, who shelled out the wicker basket to the sound of a deafening chant and stand out like exclamation points of a well known phrase, the wonders of the obvious, accompanied the crackle of the reflex in Japan. Or is it not rather that, without realizing it, we which occurred in America, where he should be careful with the poisoned arrows of the Apaches ... Let's see.
Historically, writing has been the mobility of the chaotic transition from oral language to more structured, though. In this passage, much has been won - in precise, logical rigor and solidity of the argument and dramatic - but something has been irretrievably lost, as he had already guessed Socrates and then Plato, who tried to mediate in some way. But now, even then, the route to America was already drawn, you could not return to the Indian dream of Columbus. Plato is, therefore, was Vespucci who tried to introduce in stages to a new world: the written texts, the subsequent literature.
But in transferring the caravels beccheggianti history in the continent of stable graphemes they were leaving, in fact, even the coasts of the old Homeric world, the vitality of a language is its sound and the immediate reaction of the interlocutor , whose interference is the dialectical element at the base of the primitive forms of reasoning. The right question to us is not so if we write more often now in our recent past - and the answer is obviously yes, at least technically - but if you can still call writing experience that we get from the compilation of texts through the new media, or otherwise on the horizon a new continent ...
My idea is that this is not exactly regurgitation graphological writing, but something like a temporary effect in the digestion that modern technologies are making the historical forms of communication, burp the baby before the next feeding. It is not true, then, that all of us have started writing again with more vigor and enthusiasm than we did in previous years, but rather the opposite: we have started applying to write the cadences of speech and impressività, without being in able - for obvious reasons - to trace the rhythm and joyful sound of a language, returning as orchestra without a score and a syntax lifeless.
This is especially evident on their facebook: Just take a "friend" some famous author and then read their confidential communications, posts that issue with generous abundance. I did, believing that writers publish on facebook or text unedited news, scraps of their work otherwise unavailable. E 'enough to seek asylum and in the boundless as the most popular social network log the name of a famous writer, and then say, "Hey baby, want to be my friend?" And the famous writer gives you the precious gift of his "friendship", you do not even offer him in exchange for a toffee or tail flickering of a lizard. So much so that my first impression was this: Children of asylum, we all returned to be kindergartners.
And this time I want them names: Aldo Nove, Giuseppe Genna, Thomas Pincio; Franz Krauspenhaar, Isabella Santacroce, Giulio Mozzi, Loredana Lipperini, Fulvio Abbate, Massimiliano Parente, and more. Asylum. Perhaps the only good Beppe Sebaste, even when he writes on facebook, to really write , persists in giving form and structure, and even etiquette to what he says, with a tenacity that is more reminiscent of elementary school, perhaps even the medium. Beppe Sebaste, in short, still confuses me as records and forms that modernity imposes on our lives. He does not understand, we are surprised and indignant. Route follows a remote Indian and anachronistic. Others publish mostly brief notes looking, seductive or sententious platitudes, without any verbal construct winks. Humor and jokes and give the elbow between buddies. Literally: kindergartners. Children but also a little 'touched, someone ...
But then go reread the books and you realize that kids do not idiots'm not always simply rinscemiscono, senile when you begin to write on facebook. In particular, when they flirt with the fans who flatter them in the comments to their posts. So much so that the silly child, or rather the impression of silliness, I suspect that resulting from unpleasant perception of seeing smeared and fixed in a normal text conversation between a man and a woman. Maybe you would like to bring to bed, why not? As if we observe the ritual of seduction from the porthole of a spaceship that has been lost. Laika the dog is no longer alone but has finally found a mate, even many fellow adventurers. Facebook.
But if we pay attention, we realize that looking from the outside as required but not implicit voyeur, part of the rules of the game, I would even say that the number of new forms of communication, which also raise the subject that acts somehow always at hand. It is noted that in the end, then the item Minutes of the courtship of subterfuge, or just a flaky cause , transferred nell'impassibile rigor mortis of a graphic that creates embarrassment. The reason is likely to be referred to the absence of a merciful veil of textual reflection, and that is a rhetorical strategy, namely a writing in the strict sense, the gesture language so as to lead to formal outcomes of absolute irresponsibility. If
syntactical sloppiness of this sin's most accomplished writers, we can see how others write, that all of us ... We do that when you log into facebook, or by typing a text message, we respond quickly to email a nuisance in fact we are not more writing, searching for the words most appropriate or effective communication strategy in a thoughtful and responsible (ie always in debt because of an answer), but at the most silent and occasional speaking through graphemes. An exercise in which he tried to do contrary to Plato, who tried to take the best from both the spoken word that from the time set in written form, combine the worst of both. Neither Columbus nor Vespucci, but a swamp in which we move off the cuff.
Or if we put a play on words, today I deleted from facebook because, in there and down to the deepest neurons in the brain, people do not write, do not speak but even straparlano: rather "scraparlano. And I, in the folds of facebook, I had begun to "scraparlare" I was becoming a child who confuses the lizard's tail with the summary of a crocodile, India with America above all friendship with voyeurism. That was beginning to combine, as appropriate, as required by the unwritten rules of the medium, writing and speech in the most unfortunate of the portmanteau. So much so that this union with the worst of the worst, is the suspicion that the final figure of our time ...
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