(To the extent that he ended up taking - your comments in the space there was, even as the freeze-dried orange - I decided to publish as an independent post the answer I tried to give Luisa. Retained therefore its opening brief (at home following an exchange longer, which can be read here in full), to which I follow my thoughts. What in fact differ from what has been written so far, and perhaps even what Louise asked me, or better stated as his confused and idiosyncratic humor, going to approach the "Facebook phenomenon" from a different perspective and alternative. )
message Luisa from the comments page of my blog:
"Guido Oh, I know you can survive without facebook ... but it was not the point. I'm only regret (and a bit 'envious perhaps?) the fact do not understand, do not share the enthusiasm of many of my fellow men for the new medium. Is it because I want to return a child and fully enjoy the illusion that the world is magical and easy, an offshoot of my mind ... But the elegance your mom gave you 31 oil!;) "
@ Luisa Luisa, of course this is not the point , or at least it was not the point of my text, in which I tried to penetrate the strange paradox of new technologies comunicative. Qualcosa come una moneta con due facce, in cui da un lato ( pars costruens ) viene massicciamente rilanciata la pratica della scrittura, e ciò anche tra persone che da anni compilavano a malapena una schedina e ora li vedi al semaforo che rispondono freneticamente a un sms, mentre le macchine in coda gli strombazzano impazienti. Esiste però anche l'altro lato della moneta ( pars destruens ), in cui si inizia a intravedere come questo rigurgito grafologico, in una forma però ibrida con le cadenze e la velocità impressiva del parlato, abbia finito col fare implodere le ragioni stesse per cui la scrittura ha caratterizzato un evo storico; la cosiddetta " grafosfera " di cui parlava il filosofo francese Regis Debray. E cioè la possibilità, attraverso segni stabili ed estrinseci e duraturi, di dare una forma strutturata e certa alla caotica mobilità del pensiero.
In facebook assistiamo così a un dialogo tra muti e tra sordi - e davvero ti consiglio di andare a sfogliarti i commenti al post di Giulio Mozzi in cui si dibatte animatamente del mio testo (si trovano qui ), quale esempio estremo di ciò che cerco di descrivere. O meglio, direi, assistiamo all'ossimoro di un "monologo dialogato" , dove viene il sospetto che il vero interlocutore sia lo specchio della regina di Biancaneve. Eppure anche dentro facebook, come ho provato invece a insinuare nel mio successivo intervento, communicative dynamics are gradually claiming the structure is hierarchical, with leaders and Capetti who throw the dirt on there, in a magnanimous gesture and off accompanied only by a cute Pio Pio.
Discussion of Facebooker then develops at a later time, following a stimulus from outside, or rather is perceived as external, such as "other", even if in fact comes from the same group of horizontal discourse . "So it's something like a bait minutes, which is the precondition to the revival of a busy roundabout and inconclusive opinions, but only because the conclusion is not part of the objective dialectic of this kind of activity, is alien to the rules of his game Wittgenstein would say. If the image can immediately be sad or unpleasant - this is ultimately the reason why I I I ran away - I find that on closer inspection there are also good reasons to rejoice.
Despite the impressive speed of facebook is probably not amendable, for technical reasons constituting the medium, the fact that there are people like hubs that dribbles between "inside" and "outside" world, and between chicken and between written language and cadences speech, hearing in this role earned by an authority outside of gallons of that fuel and practice of which is the guarantor, all this shows a possible vanishing point to traditional modes of communication, that is asymmetrical and regulations. What that might look like there is anti-democratic impulse of utopian to the horizontality of the views, at least by the ideologues of facebook, but on the contrary, I worked out is a vital function of communication, and therefore would not know otherwise than define civil . I try to explain.
The presence of these popular "hierarchy" within the mobile community language - that facebook is not all equal is a fact so obvious that it is not even the case to linger - serves to contain the momentum of the libertarian opinions in order extrinsic, based precisely on the authority of the charismatic guardians of space communication. And only rarely is an authority on virtual field and won more often derived from what they do and say "outside", it is frequently of characters belonging to the sphere of entertainment (think sports and politics as spectacle, of course), but not often also of intellectuals and writers such as Giulio Mozzi, who come here as spettacolarizzati and made like pop icons. But at the end of a civilization, whatever it is, is this thing here. A hierarchical system where knowledge is regulated according to logic that largely relate to power, even before the personal authority institutions, such as philosophy and modern psychology have been widely documented, with decisive pages such as those produced by Foucault and Lacan, up to the modern analysis Slavoj Žižek .
The power is therefore not only be able to make a , but also a be a can be understood as a kind of generic formal pre-and pre-legal acts in the mechanisms of collective meaning. Instead of power, if we prefer, we can also use expressions like code or big Other, also coming from the winding Lacanian alphabet, ranging legislation, however, to establish a presence hidden, a sort of "law obscene" in the life of the community. Already that is its exclusion from evidence public to ensure the efficiency of this implicit code, which allows the same possibilities of association (something like a rule of etiquette or games) and the mean. Or that in other, more simple words: a fully democratic and horizontal communication, which the utopia of facebook would indeed exist flaunting as accomplished, it would also be a statement that ends up denying itself, reaching the zero degree of aphasia.
For me also leave a bit 'confused the behavior of certain class president, and on facebook there throwing the stone and hide your hand immediately, leaving quindi sfogare i propri accoliti in discussioni senza costrutto, regola, disciplina e spesso anche nessun oggetto reale, non posso dunque che considerarlo come una sorta di male necessario , verso ciò che un tempo la teologia chiamava bene superiore . Una dinamica ancora una volta visibile nella circostanza che mi riguarda, quando io sono intervenuto tra i commenti del post di Giulio Mozzi dove si dibatteva del mio testo, per chiarire come immaginavo utile le mie intenzioni. Bene, nessuno ha badato alla mia riposta, o meglio solo una persona si è filata le mie parole, buttandomi lì uno stiracchiato pollicione. Tutti gli altri, essendosi già sfogati sulla superficie dello specchio, erano già protesi verso un nuovo bone or strip the flesh off the generous hand of their referent, which would soon come up in the new birdseed rush.
A story that I find technically exemplary, as if to say, the reality principle (the author, the text, his intentions: ie I) becomes totally irrelevant to narcissistic omnipotence of 'interpreter ( The Facebooker who use my words so sometimes clever, but tension between them and me: in short, if everyone plays it and he sings) and the authority of the vehicle (Giulio Mozzi, who form laconic claims not to share what I write but still inviting to read, and then retires with autorevole diniego), mentre velocità e novità dello stimolo coincidono con l'importanza progressiva che viene socialmente ad occupare. E però sia l'onnipotenza interpretativa sia la libertà di parola sono solo apparenti, già che è sempre un burattinaio a insinuare l'oggetto (lo stimolo) del dibattere nell'arena delle opinioni. E' insomma ancora una volta il veicolo l'elemento davvero decisivo, il gesto esterno che si configura come principio d'ordine, lex implicita della narrazione.
Ma l'elemento forse davvero significativo, è che l'obiettiva novità di questi fenomeni si sta manifestando in un'epoca in cui le agenzie tradizionali su cui si fondavano l'autorità - lo Stato, la Chiesa, la cultura high and academic - are losing credit and recognition. My thesis, then, is that just on facebook, or otherwise and generally on the web, you are consuming the decisive change in deliveries to the internal hierarchical structures of power. With the intellectuals who are taking on the role of the military or severe alluring and charismatic of the spectacular ones - the diva who follows up the stairs shining the spotlight, the fan and the soft feathers of an ostrich to stroke his long neck stretched out - not only and not always for the narcissism of its interpreters, but because that is what is required by the confused masses. And all this just to be able to continue in that thing called simply Leopardi "con-versazione". Ossia protendersi, con altri, nel medesimo verso che sappiamo tutti fin troppo bene qual è, ed è forse perciò che abbiamo la continua esigenza di parlare: per scordarcelo.
Ebbene Luisa, per quanto le retoriche di facebook ti possano sembrare becere o perfino disgustose - come sai anche io le ho vissute con estremo disagio, almeno fin che ci sono stato invischiato - non sono probabilmente altro che il riflesso dell'eterno meccanismo su cui si fondano e declinano le civiltà... (Noi evidentemente apparteniamo a una civiltà morente, vedila così.)
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