Thursday, March 10, 2011

Has Taylor Lautner Ever Had Braces

Corso di cucina per la costruzione dei rapporti all'interno del mio gruppo

Ever heard of a "team building ? But yeah, come on! Maybe you know the language disguised under other clothes.

last few days are very busy with all the tasks necessary for organizing a meeting of two days of my group. I insisted to get the funding for this activity in my opinion very important for a group like mine: 19 people spread across 8 different European countries: a virtual group . We work with hundreds or thousands of miles away. It will be necessary but at least once to meet everyone in the same physical location, no!

Once the coveted I had to turn on funding a series of organizational channels.

Regarding the agenda, in addition to the obvious technical and management wanted to find something more fun. Something that could help improve relations between the members of the group.
I also spoke with Zucchero. And she, between half-jokingly, I said, why not pay me to come and do a cooking class?
The cooking course! It seemed like a good idea. I tossed the proposal during our conference group and I received an immediate enthusiastic response in the comments.
I then activated. I first visited the restaurant Lamm  nel finesettimana e poi la scuola di cucina di Eppelheim  lunedì. I secondi mi sono sembrati più adeguati per l'organizzazione di un evento del genere. Sia dal punto di vista dell'esperienza che da dal punto di vista logistico.

Qui a sinistra la foto del luogo dove dovremmo cucinare e poi degustare i nostri manicaretti.

Qui un particolare della cucina.

Ci divideremo in quattro gruppi: uno per ogni portata. Penso che io mi arruolerò nel gruppo del dolce: il mio punto debole da tutti i punti di vista; ma poi mi alternerò between the groups.
I also considered whether he should enter a small token to make the competition more fun activities. But maybe not a good idea .... at least according to Sugar.
However between now and May we hope will be the time to better organize everything.
We'll see how it goes. If all goes well, maybe next time I go over and try to propose Taranta and Tammuriata as construction activities of the group.


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